Where can I send my knitted clothes and blankets?
As Knit-for-Nowt was set up as a knitting charity, and has donated many items of clothing and blankets to numerous local organisations, some knitters have asked for suggestions as to where they could donate items in their own regions.
There follows a list of possible places to contact if you’d like to donate your knitted or crocheted clothes or blankets. These are just suggestions, and you would need to contact them first to ascertain whether there was a need for items at any particular time.
A simple phone call asking the Manager of any organisation or their deputy whether they are in need of the articles you’ve made will be all that is needed normally.
Details of how to contact all of the following should be readily available if you Google them. Always stress that your items are brand new, as places do get more second hand items and will be more interested in yours if you say that!
Local Children’s Surestart Centres – go for the ones that are in the most deprived areas of your town or city. Even if you think your area is more affluent than the average, I’ve discovered that there are likely to be pockets of deprivation if you do a bit of searching. Children’s Centres that deal with many families who are struggling very much appreciate donations of clothes (baby/child jumpers/hats etc.) and blankets, especially baby blankets.
Your local Food Bank – they are often only too glad to offer free items of clothing and blankets along with a parcel of food – they will usually appreciate items for both adults and children.
Women’s Aid (Refuge) – our experience is that the need will vary, but it’s worth a phone call to offer items for the children. Normally you will arrange to meet a member of staff at a neutral location (we met at Asda) as you will not be allowed to know where the Refuge is for safety reasons.
Homeless Shelters – just Google those words plus your town/city or county and numerous ones will come up. Simply ring up and offer hats/scarves/blankets.
Homeless Hostels – in cities these are a good place to offer adult hats and scarves
Age UK – you’ll find these across Britain, but they vary – some (eg. Hull) will agree to take your items and give them out directly, whilst others only take them for their charity shops (which you may or may not want to do).
Nursing Homes in your area caring for dementia patients and other problems associated with older age – we’ve found that, especially in deprived areas, many elderly people have no-one at all to give them presents, and very much appreciate a lap rug or hat and scarf, or even a jumper. Again just use the Search and they’ll all come up.
Your local hospital – either for premature baby items, or for items for sick children. You do need to contact them first though, as their needs vary from time to time.
There are the main ones we would recommend that you contact, and we hope that is helpful